Boston Robb

Passion is the Genesis of Genius


Free Range / Cage Free / Parent

"I believe in humane food sustainability, every egg should have a two chicken nest."

"I believe in humane food sustainability, every egg should have a two chicken nest."

“Those who say it’s impossible, shouldn’t interrupt the person doing it” - An ancient proverb… I think…

To know why I am here, you must understand where I’ve come from.

Have you ever been kicked out of the Catholic Church & blocked by Joel Osteen? Robb has. *not very Jesus like Christians…

Have you been shunned by the Church of Satan? Robb has. *not very Satan like Satanic folks…

Even though all that happened, did you become an Ordained Reverend? Robb is. *technically I can marry folks…

Have you ever had a stay in Canadian jail? Robb has & can tell you it is not as depressing as the American counterpart. Still wicked depressing though.

Have you ever lived in a car? And not like a Van Life influencer, like in a Pontiac Grand Am.. Robb has… Geezus why do I share this stuff.

During the American Revolution, there were colonist (looking at you New York) who believed we should not upset the order of things… they thought ‘hey taxation without representation.. is fine’… they wanted to stay a British colony. And the people who say “if you don’t like it, why don’t you leave” - these are the same people who were loyal to the crown at the founding, the people who stood for slavery when others fought for its end, if you can’t see where you went wrong - how can you change & grow. American ideals are about being able to dissent, assemble, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. We must have a critical eye or we gain nothing. We the people, our communities, have the power to create the future we want.

Did you know… During the 1840’s & 1850’s, the Kansas territory was being fought over to determine if it would be entered into the Union as a “slave state” or “free state”. But some of the “Free Staters” actually meant that saying to mean for Kansas to be “Free” of slavery but also “Free” of Black People. My cousin John Brown believed those people were no better than the slave state ruffians. John Brown fought against their hypocrisy. There are times that oppression is so clever, people are unaware they are participating in it.

Anti-Revolutionaries have been around forever.. yet they’ve never been able to silence the people who made our society better.

I’ve survived homelessness, jail, and the suicides of loved ones all while having continued success in major radio markets. I’ve learned to lead in the harshest conditions, with compassion & authenticity. My views were forged from adversity. My ability to integrate what works with new ideas, at times shattering the ways of old, is a key to my proven success in Radio. Growth, by definition is change. Those who refuse change, refuse growth.

Now, on to my bio….

Robb experienced a good ole’ fashion Boston upbringing. His story was much like Good Will Hunting, but swap out being a mathematical savant with making people laugh. Boston had everything a kid could dream of... fist fights, under-age drinking, drugs, loose women, and jail (I'll tell you more about jail when I know you better). So it took a lot for Robb to leave at the age of 18. 

Hawaii was the first place Boston Robb got a real taste for radio... and the best cannabis on earth. B Robb interned on a Hip Hop morning show, studying the art of the joke. But just like when being tickled Robb goes into survival mode, he got island fever and returned to Boston. 

Like ladies love yogurt, B Robb had found his passion in radio. And began working at Boston's Rock Station, WAAF. He acquired the highly coveted job of Promotional Street Teamer. But Robb had an inferno burning in him to be On Air. 

Boston Robb left his job in Boston to make it big out West. Robb landed in San Diego with enough money to stave off homelessness for a couple months. Some thought Robb was unsure of the odds to make it on air, but he was just really bad at math... and wicked tenacious. Robb got his shot on San Diego's Rock Station. Boston Robb joined The Mikey Show in 2004 and with his insane stunts & fearless bits, quickly became a fan favorite. 

Boston Robb spent 10 years on air in San Diego at Rock 1053. He returned to Boston's Rock Station in 2014 as WAAF's On Air Producer for the morning show, within a year of Robb's arrival the morning show went to Number 1 (Men 25-54). 

In 2018, after decades working in the artform known as Radio, Robb began hosting his own podcast - For The People. FTP is a satirical podcast covering current events, but his comedy or confrontation is always punching up.

Robb, birthed from a woman who stood on the front lines for Social Change, deeply believes in communities taking social action. And hopes to inspire Radio to return to its Revolutionary days where it took part in & made social and cultural change. Like Abbie Hoffman said “Democracy is not a place, it’s something you do”. Fred Hampton said “you can jail a revolutionary, but you can’t jail a revolution”. Revolution doesn’t take place with people armed in the streets, it happens in the hearts & minds of the people. We must educate, inform, and organize.

Boston Robb performed stand up comedy in San Diego. Opening for Craig Gass, Jim Florentine, and a lot of open mic comics. *B Robb now claims to be a "Sit Down Comic". 

Boston Robb has been face to face with a ghost... he believes, maybe it was the ghost's backside, it's hard to tell because it's a ghost. B Robb is the Head of the East Coast Chapter for the American Ghost Hunter paranormal investigation team. The founder is Chad Calek, documentarian, producer/director & co-star of A&E's Paranormal State. If you believe you are experiencing a haunting, contact Robb. Shoutout to Jesus the OG Holy Ghost!

Robb is an ordained Reverend, has studied demonology, was laughed out of the Catholic Church before he could get ‘confirmed’ & offended the church of Satan (they’ve shunned him, though Robb still honors his offer to interview them). Robb’s Revolutionary Reverending will continue to shine a light in dark places. Remember, Jesus never carried cash, never charged a co-pay to heal people, didn’t have a home, was always in the company of society’s outcasts, and the only time in the Bible he lost his sh*t was when he witnessed capitalism in his fathers house.

Boston Robb is the host & creator of the show Haunted Salem. A paranormal exploration show on Youtube, where B Robb ventures to different locations all alone at night in attempt to capture evidence of the other side.

Robb also hosts “Not Weekend Update” on YouTube, which is similar to his For The People podcast.  Robb was Verified (legacy) on Twitter (until Elon Musk overpaid billions for it, only to expose himself as a awful business person). But Robb also warns caution to social media users… with great inventions, comes greater responsibility.

Boston Robb was growing food before ‘trending’ was a thing... friggin' hipsters. B Robb makes maple syrup with Bob Rivers (a legendary Seattle radio personality). And one day will keep an apiary (a fancy word for keeping bees) - letting bees pollinate ruderalis cannabis to create ‘Hemp Honey” - patent pending. Robb (with zero medical background, but well versed in essential oils) believes cannabis will cure cancer [there’s a reason the American government has a patent on cannabis * yes, they do - google Patent Number 6,630,507].

Robb has befriended crows. These wicked intelligent corvids have been called primates with wings because of their abilities (they’ve been known to use tools, they can remember if you’re mean or kind & will teach generations of crows what kind of human you are). Robb has gained two families of crows trust after a year of work to understand them & giving offerings to the crows. (You can watch some of this journey on his youtube Channel.

Boston Robb has a Free Range, Cage Free, & [mostly] Organic Parenting style (except for his son, he had to wear a leash backpack). Boston Robb is happily married and loves time with his family. B Robb believes men who think of marriage as a ball & chain, some kind of prison sentence, obviously did not spend their "single" days wisely… or now have enough money they have the illusion of confidence. Marriage is finding someone you love, that you can change diapers with for the rest of your lives (for your babies & then in due time, for each other).

Robb is a suicide survivor, losing his father in 2005 & losing many lifelong friends to suicide. Robb advocates for anyone suffering from any type of oppression, whether it’s your mind or your work, speak up & speak out. The louder the better, but hey, even a whisper is better than nothing. Robb battled addiction and contrary to popular judgements - addiction doesn’t make you weak or uninformed, some of the toughest, kindest, smartest humans I’ve met are those who battle addiction. And it’s time we de-stigmatized the culturally American point of view of addiction & the humans in the battle.

Kurt Cobain (referencing André Gide) said it best, “I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I’m not“.

Boston Robb fears not what his story can do for him, but hopes his story will inspire you. Boston Robb does not flinch sharing his gritty story of Hope to inspire, create comedy & conceptualize revolutionary art.