Daily Revolution
Mega Church Prosperity Gospel Preacher & camel trying to thread the eye of a needle, Joel Osteen does not like when followers of Yeshua, like myself, reply to his “Biblical” tweets with other Bible quotes about what Yeshua said to the rich man, or about the wealthy. Maybe Joel hasn’t read about Jesus chasing the money changers out of the temple? There’s no way he knows how Jesus feels about people turning his Fathers house into a market place… while Joel’s church’s revenue is 26 million a year…. Which he doesn’t pay taxes on. Maybe Joel also skipped past the part of the Bible where Jesus tells Peter to get a coin from the fish’s mouth to pay the taxes for them both… because anyone who makes a living off being a follower & messenger of Jesus must want to do their best to follow in Jesus footsteps & pay taxes…
I guess these insights are why Televangelist Joel Osteen blocked me on Twitter.
Is it Irony his book is telling me I’m stronger than I think? Huh…. I really got to Ol Joelseph.
Maybe I am doing some good. A light on a hill.
It’s ok Joel, I forgive you. But I still got my 👀 on you.
Can I get an Amen! Hallelujah!!!