Daily Revolution
If there were actual Radicals or Revolutionaries on the left and the right, then we’d have enough people for a Revolution. But the folks on the far right, are not radicals or revolutionaries… they just want their specific rulers to rule. They aren’t interested in disassembling the archaic systems, they want the systems to revert to the days where American Oligarchs had more power Over the system. Somehow the far right and mediocre right feel safer when the wealthy people have more control. They’re constantly scared - it’s why they all need guns all the time.
Why do most people get a gun? For safety, they’re scared of something.
But their belief of the wealthy caring for them is false… Dave Chappelle said it best - the wealthy don’t care about poor people, they care about wealthy people (themselves).
But fear will drive humans to search for safety in places they normally wouldn’t, and they’re easily convinced by lackluster propaganda peddled by 3 card monte hucksters.
And with the admittance of the scam out in the open Tucker Carlson & Ben Shapiro had both admitted to Tucker - lying and Ben says you start with your feelings then cherry pick facts to support your case), it proves my point the far right are not radicals nor revolutionaries but fear filled and fear mongering regimes waiting for their authoritarian.
I thought it be amazing if both sides of the isle could come together to agree our system of government is still an experiment and needs a massive adjustment in where power resides. But the right still think power should be in hands of the wealthy… not the people. Ironically with all their “my body my choice” (in regards to masks btw - idiots) they’d want a government that gives power back to the people, but they don’t… they just want an authoritarian who doesn’t care enough about poor people to allow them to destroy each other.
And with two sides claiming to have radical ideas in a political arena you’d think there’d be some cross over and agreement. And this is where the well becomes poisoned… there are tools propping up far right propagandists.
It doesn’t matter where you sit in the political arena - unless your lack character and integrity- we should all agree lying to make a point harms the conversation, it degrades the entirety of the discourse and should be called out always. We should also not use these liars “news” shows as having “some” basis in fact because then it becomes the viewers job to discern their lies from their facts - in a show promoted as fact checked news.
So if you’re far left in politics and have new Revolutionary ideas and radical views for how to renovate our systems - NEVER use an established liar to help validate your point. Even if the point the liar made was their rarely spoken fact checked point.
The old saying goes, if you hang around with a bunch of liars - people gonna think you’re a liar. And it may just rub off on you too.