Boston Robb

Passion is the Genesis of Genius

Cat Tales

I feel like every time I make a note in my notebook for an idea I have for a book, it’s been done.. lot of books written since the dawn of writing. How many exactly? Does anyone know? And has it all been written? No.

So my latest idea comes from a bedtime story I tell my daughter. She enjoys this series called “I Survived” about kids surviving historical events. I ran with the idea but tailored it to her liking even more and made the historical event seen from a pets point of view. The first tale I’ve been telling my daughter at bedtime, is from a cats perspective of the bubonic plague. I won’t go much more into it except that the family who owns the cats are kind of like the villages pest control, they use their cats to rid the village of rodents. And the cats catch wind of a deadly illness wiping out villages across the river.

See ya tomorrow night….